Here is Scott. He "moved" into our apartment complex a couple weeks ago. Tracy and I encountered him various times down by the pool. He was always grillin and drinkin beers. He seemed like a cool and nice guy who was a recruiter for the Marines. He would always offer us beer and good eatin'. We found out a couple days ago Scott wasn't such a nice guy, nor was his name Scott. It was Kevin Miracle. And Kevin was a con artist/car robber/ house robber/ cocaine user!!! He had broken into a vacant apartment across the street from house scoping out houses to rob. He was arrested two days ago after an apartment was broken into, they found his stolen car outside. And found him passed out in the vacant apartment after a little coke binge, surrounded by tools for breaking locks. We live in one of the safest areas in Dallas which makes this crazy!! Just wanted to share this will everyone, don't ever think your safe just because you live in a good neighborhood, and don't trust anybody!!! Scott, you will be missed.