Monday, November 24, 2008


Last weekend Tracy, my friend Brian, his son, and I went down to the Houston National Forest for the Caney Creek Enduro race. This was my first race and I had no idea what I was getting myself into. It was a 55 mile race through intense forest full of obstacles. Tracy was the team pit girl and did a great job helping out!!
Here's me before the race, excited, ready for some fun...

Here is me coming in for the gas stop.

Halfway done, I couldnt even stand at this point.

4 hours later I was done.

4 advils, two beers, and one trophy later I was feeling pretty good about the race! :)


Curtis Nemetz said...

Good job uncle Nanu! We are proud of you. Your bike looks cool with all that mud on it. Glad you didn't die.
love, Milo and Calvin

mima said...

I agree with your nephews!! Glad you didn't die (or get hurt) and proud that you endured and won a trophy, too Have a blessed Thanksgiving--we will miss you!Love, Mom